Law Firm Web Design - designing great websites for Lawyers

Creating the most professionally designed law firm websites and legal brochures in the world for 17 years. Our deep commitment to designing the best possible online experiences for our client's website customers shows in our results. Our law firm web design portfolio speaks for itself; it encompasses large firms, mid-sized litigation law firms, personal injury law firms, family law firms, boutique law firms, and sole proprietor attorneys. The web site design work we do for our legal clients varies widely, from simple brochure-type site redesigns to highly complex database-powered web applications.

Why are our legal website designs more effective than our competitors? Three reasons...

Have you ever pondered what the most important ingredients in doing your job well are? You'll likely say sufficient knowledge, of course. You spend a lot of time making sure you have vast legal knowledge, but you also learn enough about your clients to help them properly. So do we. But patience is also an important component; the willingness to dedicate sufficient time to do things correctly, and to not rush your work. Our legal web designs are the result of the acquired knowledge of both our craft and our clients, and the patience to design a website that is uniquely customized to them. But in addition to these two ingredients, hard work needs to be added to the mix. Without putting in the work, knowledge and patience may very well be wasted. Every legal client we accept deserves all three of these essential ingredients, and when you mix them all together they receive more than their money's worth.

Business Edge has helped over 100 law firms over the past 17 years

Trust the numbers: over one hundred law firms across the United States have hired Business Edge with their most valuable legal marketing commodity. If you'd like your firm to enjoy the same benefits as all the other law firms we've worked with, please call us at 212-931-8538 or email us and we can get started.

Law Firm websites that your customers will love

One of the guiding principles that has made Business Edge a successful web design agency for the last 15 years has been to avoid passing fads and flashy gadgetry and continue to develop purposeful websites that provide intuitive human interaction.

Much like an architect who is building a structure fit for habitation, we begin with the basic ingredient of human intuition, stir it together with business acumen, and create an online home for your business which will educate and inform without ever confusing the potential client.

A web site for smaller law firms might accentuate its local roots. If they need to look larger and stronger to compete with larger firms, we will design their site accordingly. If we are building a site for a medium to large firm that requires an emphasis on their personal touch, we will build a friendly, accessible online home to attract the desired clientele.

Mobile websites for law firms - looking forward

Developing a mobile website for your law firm is more than just keeping up with your competitors. It's also about ease of use for your clients. Read more about Mobile Websites for law firms here.

Always within your budget

We always ensure that we build our law firm clients' online presence within a reasonable budget, so that the fee to build your site will never offset the value of having it in the first place.

With so many solutions and various options available to modern law firms these days, we will never, ever recommend a solution that will not benefit the bottom line of your firm.

Business Edge partial law firm client list:

Our past and present clients are law firms you've heard of. They are law firms you've worked with, law firms with which you've competed. They are in your area, from Boston and New York and Long Island to Miami and the Midwestern U.S. Our clients remain with us year after year because of our service, and because of the guidance that our Internet knowledge has provided them over the years. Guidance that has made them more successful.

You don’t have to take our word for it.

Ready to Get Started?

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